:py:mod:`qsearch.multistart_solvers` ==================================== .. py:module:: qsearch.multistart_solvers .. autoapi-nested-parse:: This module defines solvers that use multiple starting points in order to have a higher chance at finding the global minimum. Module Contents --------------- Classes ~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: qsearch.multistart_solvers.MultiStart_Solver qsearch.multistart_solvers.NaiveMultiStart_Solver Functions ~~~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: qsearch.multistart_solvers.distance_for_x qsearch.multistart_solvers.optimize_worker .. py:function:: distance_for_x(x, options, circuit) Calculate the distance between circuit and the target for input x based on the distance metric .. py:function:: optimize_worker(circuit, options, q, x0, error_func) Worker function used to run the inner solver in parallel .. py:class:: MultiStart_Solver(num_threads) Bases: :py:obj:`qsearch.solvers.Solver` A higher accuracy solver based on APOSMM https://www.mcs.anl.gov/~jlarson/APOSMM/ MultiStart_Solver generally gets better results than other optimizers due to the advanced algorithm to start multiple local optimizers ("inner solvers") and find the global optimum more often. Create a MultiStart_Solver instance. Pass num_threads to set how many threads to use in parallel optimization runs .. py:method:: solve_for_unitary(circuit, options, x0=None) Optimize the given circuit based on the provided options with initial point x0 (optional). :param circuit: A qsearch.gates.Gate describing the circuit to optimize :param options: This uses the following options: - inner_solver : which optimizer to use for local optimization runs - target : the target unitary of synthesis - logger : A qsearch.logging.Logger that will be used for logging the synthesis process. - error_func : The function that the Solver will attempt to minimize. - error_residuals : A function that returns an array of real-valued residuals to be used by a least-squares-based Solver. :param x0: the starting point for the optimzier .. py:class:: NaiveMultiStart_Solver(num_threads) Bases: :py:obj:`qsearch.solvers.Solver` A naive but effective multi-start solver which tries to cover as much of the optimization space at once Create a NaiveMultiStart_Solver instance. Pass num_threads to set how many threads to use in parallel optimization runs .. py:method:: solve_for_unitary(circuit, options, x0=None) Finds the best parameters that minimize error_func or error_residuals between the unitary from the circuit and options.target.